The advantages of paediatric dentistry for kids

The advantages of paediatric dentistry for kids


Children start getting their teeth in the first six months of their life. By the age of six or seven, they start losing the first set of teeth, which is replaced by the permanent teeth. Proper oral care is essential for children too. So if your child is facing any dental issues don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a kids-friendly dentist at the earliest!

 If you live in Berwick, you’re in luck, because most dental clinics at Berwick teach and train children on maintaining proper oral hygiene. Without proper dental care, your child may face oral health issues and diseases that can cause a lifetime of complications.

 Most children are not usually comfortable while visiting a dentist. They may turn impatient or may be reluctant to see a dentist. But a kids-friendly dentist knows how to make children feel comfortable and treats them well. One of the many advantages of opting for a kids-friendly dentist is that these dentists use specially designed and decorated equipment in their offices to attract the interest of children.

 A kids-friendly dentist offers various treatment options. Moreover, they are trained to care for the health of children’s teeth, gums, and mouth. When a dentist or a paediatrician suggests that your child must undergo a dental exam, it would be wise to choose a dentist who will provide the best possible care to your child.

Types of treatment provided by kids-friendly dentists

  • Oral health examination of infants which includes risk assessment
  • Preventive dental care such as fluoride treatments
  • Teeth-friendly diet and nutrition recommendations
  • Correcting improper teeth or straightening of teeth
  • Repairing tooth defects or cavities
  • Diagnosing early oral conditions for effective treatment of a dental issue
  • Care for dental injuries

Why choose kids-friendly dentists over regular dentists?

 Some dentists may be uncomfortable in treating children as they require delicate care in comparison to treating adults. Prevention and treatment is the primary focus provided by Kids-Friendly Dentists. They provide training on proper oral hygiene using various methods to teach children.

Benefits of visiting a kids-friendly dentist

  • Keeping children comfortable: These dentists work diligently to keep children at ease and don’t allow them to feel stressed regarding the treatment.
  • Introduce children to good oral hygiene: A paediatric dentist can teach the basics to children regarding caring for their teeth and in also dealing with oral health issues. Learning about good oral hygiene in childhood can prevent major oral health issues in future.
  • Recommending braces to correct crooked teeth: Paediatric dentists can identify the growth of crooked teeth and can recommend using braces in childhood to rectify the issue at an early stage of life.
  • Caring for children as they grow up: A kid-friendly doctor will have a clear idea about the oral health history of a child. Thus, if the child faces any issue in future, the doctor can look back and identify the underlying issues, if the child had similar issues earlier in life.
  • Specialised care for children: As the name implies, a paediatric dentist is specialised in providing dental care for children. When compared to the regular dentists, kids-friendly dentists can provide more care and attention to children, making them feel comfortable during dental check-ups or visits.

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