What Are the Various Diseases Rats Can Cause

Diseases Rats Can Cause


Rats are definitely not the guests we’d be happy to see in our homes. The consequences of an infestation put our health and possessions in danger. Although small compared to humans, the battle to eradicate them can go on forever.

Some of the diseases they carry are transmitted by direct touch, while others are transmitted through food and water contamination or even through air. Fortunately, professional rodent control reduces these concerns.

We’ll comment on some of the diseases that rats can carry and why rodent population management is crucial for your health and safety.

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)

This is considered one of the most dreaded diseases spread by rats. If not given proper treatment, severe symptoms will follow, possibly leading to death.

It is usually an infection brought about by the inhalation of dust contaminated with infected rodents’ urine, droppings, or saliva. You would be at risk of getting infected with this virus, mostly in areas such as attics, sheds, storage rooms, and places highly contaminated with rats.

HPS symptoms begin with fatigue, fever, and muscular aches and work their way to extreme respiratory trouble. Considering these complications, rat pest control is absolutely vital for both prevention and management.


Caused by bacteria, this is another terrible illness rats can transmit. Rat urine passes on this ailment, usually via polluted water or soil.

From causing mild flu-like symptoms to serious diseases, including liver damage, kidney failure, and even death, if untreated, leptospirosis is not to be trifled with.

You might wonder, “But I don’t swim in puddles or drink from unclean water sources!” Fair enough, but rats do not have specific preferences when it comes to where they urinate.

They can be polluting your house’s plumbing, your garden soil, or even sections in the kitchen you neglect cleaning. Leptospirosis can enter your life via these channels, and the risk increases significantly without effective rat pest control.


Rats are well-known carriers of Salmonella, the bacterium causing this illness. With their droppings, rats can contaminate surfaces and food, rapidly distributing the bacteria in several places, including kitchens, pantries, and dining rooms.

Diarrhoea, fever, and stomach cramps are some common symptoms, with severe instances causing hospitalisation.

Once more, efficient rodent control strategies can make all the difference since they stop this transmission channel before it ever starts.

Rate-Bite Fiver (RBF)

As the name implies, this disease is brought on by contact with the body of a dead rat or by bites or scratches from an infected one. Although this sounds dramatic, it is surprisingly easy for us to overlook a tiny bite or scrape, especially when cleaning following a rat infestation.

The bacteria causing RBF, either Spirillum minus in Asia or Streptobacillus moniliformis in North America, produce fever, nausea, muscular aches, and headaches. More severe cases can result from untreated RBF, causing brain and heart problems.

Moreover, RBF directly impacts not only humans but also dogs if they come in contact with rats. By leveraging thorough pest treatments, controlling rat numbers will help safeguard you and your furry pets from this risk.

The Black Death or Bubonic Plague

Although it sounds like something from history books, this is still a danger to the modern-day world. The plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, with transmission partially assisted by flea-infected rodents.

Modern medicine can treat bubonic plague. However, if not discovered in time, it can pose a life-threatening risk. The symptoms include fever, chills, sore lymph nodes, and body aches.

By treating these pests, you ensure that rats, together with their fleas, will have no room to introduce this ancient, fatal disease into your modern house.

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)

This is yet another virus carried by rats, especially common house variants. Meningitis and encephalitis are two severe neurological problems this disease can cause.

Although most infections bring about mild flu-like symptoms, pregnant women have a much higher risk since LCM can cause congenital abnormalities or miscarriages.

LCM is frightening in the sense that you might not even be aware of your exposure until it is too late. Rodents are silent, swift, and good at hiding. Although you might never see them, you could still be susceptible to their destructive diseases.


While cats are well-known culprits, rats also contribute to the transmission of this ailment. Pregnant women should be especially wary of this condition since it causes congenital problems.

Even though cats subsequently infect people, the toxoplasma gondii parasite usually originates from rats. Preventing the spread of this disease depends on efficient rat management, especially in households that have domestic cats.

Why Rat Pest Control Is Crucial

The diseases listed above are simply the tip of the iceberg regarding the risks rats present. Not only does population control of rats help prevent property damage, but it also protects public health.

Expert pest control companies can evaluate your house, point out areas of concern, and carry out strategies to drive away rats. To guarantee they never return, experts utilise various approaches, such as traps, extermination, and continuous monitoring.

Experts are more efficient than do-it-yourself projects. They also observe safety rules and protect your family, pets, and house from dangerous chemicals or inadequate techniques.

How to Spot Early Rat Infestation Signs

If you believe you have rats in your home, you should act swiftly. Look for telltale clues, including droppings, bite marks, or scratching sounds coming from attics or basements. Rats are more active at night, so even if you do not see them, you might hear them.

Other indicators include nests built from shredded materials or oily smudges across walls, resulting from their fur rubbing against these surfaces as they scurry along.

Before the issue becomes worse, you should bring in rat pest treatment experts if you find any of these indicators. Acting quickly lowers the possibility of illnesses, property damage, and distress resulting from unwelcome houseguests.


Not only are rats bothersome pests, but they are also deadly disease carriers. Early action and successful pest control allow you to prevent these diseases from spreading in your household.

It’s always better to handle a rat problem before it spirals out of control. Look for early signs and never hesitate to consult a professional when needed. After all, you and your loved ones are entitled to safe, bug-free surroundings.

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